Jean Lievens: Tiny Windmill Siphons Renewable Energy to Your Apartment

Tiny Windmill Siphons Renewable Energy To Your Apartment – PSFK Dutch company claims to have a wind turbine that is 80% more efficient than existent turbines. Wind turbines might be an excellent source of renewable energy, but they have yet to become a residential feature due to one thing – the noise. Thankfully, a Rotterdam-based …

Sepp Hasslberger: German Renewable Energy Success Drops European Energy Prices … Again

The Germans are serious about getting off the fossil fuel addiction. They are showing the world that renewable energy can be done… Electricity Prices Fall In Europe As German Renewable Energy Increases From – May 21, 3:11 AM For the fifth consecutive month, electricity prices in have decreased in Western Europe, due in part …

SchwartzReport: Could New York Run On Renewable Energy Alone?

Could New York Run On Renewable Energy Alone? MARK FISCHETTI – Salon/Scientific American An important interview with Mark Jacobson, one of the most original thinkers in energy transition. It is well worth your time. I consider what is being described here as extremely good news. Finally a discussion is emerging about what would really be …

SchwartzReport: For Price of Iraq War, Half of the US Could Be on Renewable Energy Now

I believe that historians will look back on the era that began with Reagan, and reached its peak during the administration of the second Bush, and his evil wizard, Cheney, and mark that as the beginning of the decline of America. We traded prosperity, and greatness, for the tainted pottage of elective war, and the …

Review: Careers in Renewable Energy–Get a Green Energy Job

Formula Book Well Executed, Superb But “Lite” October 18, 2009 Gregory McNamee I read in multiples. See my reviews of 75 Green Businesses You Can Start to Make Money and Make A Difference as well as Green Intelligence: Creating Environments That Protect Human Health for the snap-shot on this round, and at Phi Beta Iota, …

SchwartzReport: Beyond Carbon Energy — Developing Nations Breaking Free with Renewables

In the last three days I have found four stories making the specious argument that we must continue to support carbon energy because it, and only it, will end poverty. I published one of the most glaring examples the other day. The truth however is rather different. Developing nations that are not already in the …

Michel Bauwens: Renewables Changing Energy Market in 5 Years

Michel Bauwens How renewables will change electricity markets in the next five years Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser Science Direct, 3 June 2012 Abstract Photovoltaic (PV) cells, onshore wind turbines, internet technologies, and storage technologies have the potential to fundamentally change electricity markets in the years ahead. Photovoltaic cells are the most disruptive energy technology as they allow …